Sister Exchange

A blog where my family and I can exchange information and pictures and general comments about our lives and crafty stuff.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hail at the House, Just your typical March in Texas

So instead of getting snowstorms all winter, we in Texas get spring showers of hail. Check out the damage to my flower beds:

The poor freesia - they used to all have flowers on them!!! I KNEW I should have taken pictures of them this weekend!

The bluebonnets are looking pretty ragged as well.

Here is the scene from behind the house: Even worse.

Other than a broken bulb in one of the floodlights, the damage could have been a lot worse. I hope the roof is OK. There was a lot of ice still sitting there when we were taking pictures - but of course we didn't take a picture of that. *sigh*

Friday, February 13, 2009

Things are a-changin'!

Hello all. I have not posted in a very, very long time. But things are about to change. Right now as I post this, I am 15 weeks into my first pregnancy. I have not felt any movement except maybe feeling seasick when baby is swimming around a lot. I have a picture - see below.

This is the most exciting and terrifying thing I have ever done - even hang gliding and going down a ski slalom at speed do not even begin to compare. Our house is still not "put together" as in we have no living room furniture, bedroom furniture and one one room is painted (the guest room). I feel out-of-sorts when I am home and am not looking forward to staying there full time.

So, I am working on C to get the guest room together so we can move on to other rooms - like the baby room and living room. Especially if we are going to have guests in a few months, we need a working living room. It will be a challenge. :-)

Stay tuned...

Baby Cooper:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Personally, Bert and Ernie have gotten a bad rap.

Check out this terror alert button the guys at geekandproud made. Maybe this will creep the terrorists out so much they don't want to mess with us. :-)

Terror Alert Level


Here is what is on my quilt wall today...

I think it needs another fish - what do you think?

Come see me next week - another quilt in store!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Harry Potter Rocks!

My sistah found this! This is the character I am - go find out yours!

[i'm ernie macmillan]

...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Oh really?!?!

According to the NY Times, my eldest sister is the smartest of the bunch of us. Who knows she may be?!?!

Comments, J?